Over the last decade, the growing complexity of software-intensive systems has led both industry and academics to investigate the use of different development techniques in order to manage their many different aspects. Indeed, current Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) call for modern engineering practices to tackle advances in productivity and quality in several domains such as automotive, health-care, aerospace, industrial control or automation.

In this context, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is increasingly applied to larger and more complex systems. However, MDE principles and techniques still need to be further developed to 1) scale up for real-life industrial projects and 2) provide more benefits at runtime (i.e. both during and after system execution).

The general use of models and model-based approaches has already been intensively investigated both at design time (e.g. for driving the development of complex systems) and at runtime (e.g. to support deployment, monitoring or adaptations). However, the existing approaches remain mostly independent from each other: in fact, design and runtime levels are too often not sufficiently interconnected, if connected at all. With the advent of DevOps and continuous development principles, the engineering of CPSs would largely benefit from a closer integration between the design and runtime dimension of systems. For instance, studying correspondences between the system design and its actual runtime behaviour allows to better understand critical situations and eventually locate the origin of failures. Many methods and tools have been proposed for logging system execution and performing measurements of related runtime properties. Unfortunately, these approaches do not usually allow a relevant integration with design models (if there is some kind of integration at all). This is a real issue since these models are the ones typically associated with system analysis and decision-making.

The aim of this workshop is to provide a venue where both researchers and practitioners on model-based engineering can meet, disseminate and exchange ideas around this important problem of Design-Runtime Interaction. The objective is also to come up with related challenges, to identify key issues to be addressed by the community and explore potential solutions to them.


The aim of this workshop is to provide a venue where both researchers and practitioners on model-based engineering can meet, disseminate and exchange ideas around the topic of design–runtime interaction in continuous software development of complex systems. The aim of this event is to come up with related challenges, to identify key issues to be addressed by the community and to explore potential solutions to them. The objective is also to come up with an agenda that can drive the research activities on design and runtime interaction for next years. Possible topics include notably (among possibly others):

Important dates

Submission guidelines

Papers must be submitted in PDF format and strictly adhere to the IEEE conference proceedings format. We advocate two types of papers:

Paper submissions will be made electronically via the workshop submission web page - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mdederun2021.

All submissions must be original work, and must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication, elsewhere. At least one author of each accepted paper should register for the conference and participate in the workshop.

Paper evaluation process

All submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

Workshop Proceedings

All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE MODELS Companion Proceedings.

Organization & Program Committee


For further information, please send us an email at mdederun2021@easychair.com.

Program Committee